Jury Finds in Favor of Former Firefighter

A jury in Baker County awarded $200,000 in damages to a former firefighter. Attorney Richard Myers filed the lawsuit on behalf of Jason Bybee in 2023. Baker City employed Bybee as a firefighter and EMT when he contracted COVID-19 from a work exposure. Bybee developed Long COVID and was unable to return to his firefighter […]

Fred Meyer Employees Bring Class Action Wage Claims

Attorneys with Bennett Hartman filed class action lawsuits in Oregon and Washington on behalf of Fred Meyer employees who have been shorted wages since September 2022. The lawsuits allege that Fred Meyer violated wage statutes by knowingly implementing a faulty payroll system. Fred Meyer admits the new payroll system caused pay errors. However, it had […]

Union Members Agree to $2.5 million Class Action Wage Settlement

Over 7,500 current and former employees of Multnomah County will receive notice of a class action wage settlement. A judge preliminarily approved the settlement and ordered notices to be mailed by August 25, 2022. The settlement ends nearly three years of litigation. In January 2019 Multnomah County switched to a payroll system by Workday, Inc. […]

Employment Relations Board Rejects ULP Filed by Freedom Foundation Against Union

With the support of the Freedom Foundation, a disgruntled bargaining unit member claimed that his union discriminated against him when it set limits on how he communicated with his steward and refused to file a grievance.  ERB rejected the claim, noting that the Union’s requests that the employee document his concerns and limit his communications […]

Arbitrator Reinstates Two Laborers Summarily Fired for Single Safety Violation

The employer terminated two employees with no history of discipline for improperly opening up traffic when they believed the worksite had shut down, and after one of the employees had not received a bathroom break for over three hours.  The Arbitrator found that although the employees engaged in misconduct, the employer did not have just […]

Local Initiative to Establish Tenant Resource Program Receives Ballot Title

Social justice advocates in Multnomah County sought to establish a Tenant Resource Program to provide free legal representation to any resident facing eviction, as well as other supports, funded through a small capital gains tax.  Counsel assisted in writing the initiative.  After it was filed, business groups challenged the ballot title for a variety of […]

Local Initiative to Divert Supportive Housing Service Funds Rejected as Unconstitutional

People for Portland, a dark money organization, proposed a local initiative to divert resources away from long term solutions to homelessness to a strategy prioritizing emergency shelters, sweeps, and criminalizing homelessness.  The Metro Attorney rejected the initiative as violating procedural constitutional requirements and People for Portland appealed.   Counsel submitted “friends of the court” arguments on […]

Arbitrator Rules in Favor of University Employees

A University violated the contract when it refused to include an across-the-board wage increase in the salary schedule used for the duration of the contract. The wage increase was contingent on the University’s fund balance and was therefore not included in the printed salary schedules. However, the parties agreed that the salary schedules would be updated […]

Court of Appeals Prohibits Aiding or Abetting Unlawful Employment Practices

The Oregon Court of Appeals issued an opinion in favor of a Bennett Hartman client that will enhance protections for workers in Oregon. Elisabeth Hernandez suffered a serious workplace injury in 2016. Her employer relied on a Colorado company, Reed Group, to manage the medical leave of its employees. Reed Group claimed to have expertise […]

Mishap with Technology Does Not Justify Termination

A well-regarded high school math teacher unintentionally displayed an inappropriate picture in class. The mishap occurred because the teacher did not realize personal pictures would sync with the camera roll he used in a class presentation. The District terminated the teacher on the grounds of “neglect of duty,” “immorality” and “inadequate performance.” The Fair Dismissal […]